Dromoscopic Photography

A Kaleidoscopic Dromoscopy of One Wet Evening
Dromoscopic Image with Device for Measuring Climate Change
Fence & Pink
Four Walls
Vector Bifurcation Displayed End-on-End
Wall & Bridge
Town & Country
A Wet Nightscape

"Opposite to the stroboscopy which allows us to observe objects animated by rapid movement, as if they were in slow motion, this dromoscopy displays inanimate objects as if they were animated by a violent movement."
– Paul Virilio


See also "The Economic"

"Landscape" 2017
"Fence & Pink" 2016
"A Kaleidoscopic Dromoscopy of One Wet Evening" 2017
"Wall & Bridge" 2017
"Vector Bifurcation Displayed End-on-End" 2017
"Dromoscopic Image with Device for Measuring Climate Change" 2017
"Four Walls" 2017
"Town & Country" 2017
"A Wet Nightscape" 2017