Painting Themes
Painting on Photos
Video Art Themes
Another ...
"Monument to the End of the Road" 2021
pre-viz video
Don’t be fooled by the title of the “Monument to the End of the Road”. Although many experts say that we may be on the precipice of a collapse of life as we know it, it will not mean the end of the road. Even if we manage to get over this crisis and develop new modes of transportation, roads will remain for the terrestrial. But as part of the solution to our climatic challenge, perhaps roadways may become less or even wholly different than what they are today.
"50 Versions of a Dromoscopic Still Life" 2020
video & prints
Another dromoscopic approach to image making, this time using the traditional subject matter of a still life.
2017 (UX/UI)
I noticed a pattern emerging, again.
"Change - 3 Coins 64 Times" 2011
metallic acrylic on canvas panels 6" x 6" ea.
Using a fortune telling game, that sometimes uses three coins, as a method of composition ...
"insurance" 2010
graphic art & painting
It has often been asked what the value of human life. Numbers are occasionally calculated, but specific transactions are an underworld activity. Fair valuation has been proposed for specific body parts by celebrities and their money-makers in the form of insurance.
"Found Improvisations" 1990
detritus (dim. var.)
Compositions were made and photographed where junk had been left in the suburban landscape. A policeman sent to one of the scenes found nothing to charge me with and allowed me to continue.
1989 "Philtered Commerce" 1989
Linocuts with gold & silver ink on rice paper
These images were of sexually psychoactive plants were done as an example of self-censorship during the Culture Wars spearheaded by the right-wing during the 1980s.
"Tryptych" 1977-1987
mixed media, 10" x 75" (total)
Here we have the recombinant value of the word as high abstraction and interactivity.
"The Medicine Show of Bawdy Bill" 1985
television script (1st draft, unedited scanned conversion)
A pilot screenplay demonstrating an idea for a weekly television show that would center on a once popular travelling medicine show format. Envisioned in a post-modern style where song-and-dance routines would spice up the comedy that focuses on homeopathic and historical approaches to health and healing.
6l17ch3d 73x7 (glitched text of 1st draft)
"The Baby Slant Step" 1983
wood, glue, gold paint, 4" x 5" x 9"
A riff on a piece by Bruce Nauman.
"Dreamstand" 1981
painted wood, 8' x 12 ' x 2 1⁄2'
A podium and derelict's retreat, "Dreamstand" was built at the Los Angeles Times' Times Square where it faced City Hall. On the last day of it's exhibit, packing my guitar case, I took the bus downtown. When I got there, I took out the axe I packed, I proceeded to demolish the project. As I was doing this, one of the street people walked up to me and said: "I hope that you realize that you are destroying somebody's home."
Later, upon refelection, I realized that the "stairway to heaven" that I had built delivered me out of the City of Angels to the land of the 'Jersey Devils – perhaps a speech was in due order.
Beginning with the word as abstraction, “Zounds!” (c.1977) presented onomatopoeia into the conceptual field. These investigations went from the Derridean influenced architectonic (“Gramr” 1985) to image/poetic ("Paint on Photos") to Deleuzean diagrammatic (“Mine + Yours = Ours” 2007). Recurring themes that bring together a morphology and ideology that is not only conceptual, but sequential within the construct of its evolving logic. The work has moved from the astrophysics of “Singularity” (1996) to a series of work titled “The Ambit Suite” (2007) in which the border became the issue, to studies in value with “Trickle” (2008) and “Change” (2011). Mobile affectations have been lined-up in a series of videos entitled “Dromoscopic” (2015) while perspective and abstraction are more of an issue in the "Xrds" (2016) paintings. History and capitalist flow dominate 2018 as value and perspective arise again the following year. And so on.